On Our Radar print design
ON OUR RADAR is a charity that helps to give an effective and affordable voice to marginalised and offline communities. We have maintained a working relationship with OOR over the years and continue to supply design work for their many projects.
The first toolkit was created for On Our Radar alongside Christian Aid and Pacida, titled SMS Voices Kenya: Reporter Handbook. This handbook was produced to help citizen reporters use basic mobile phones safely and anonymously to report on issues and news in their area.
The second handbook, My Story: Ebola and Education, was designed for the Ebola in Education project which forms part of Plan UK’s Girls Education Challenge (GEC) Programme. In Sierra Leone, women and girls were particularly vulnerable.
The third publication, Citizen Reporter Handbook, was designed by On Our Radar for the Human Rights Citizen Journalism for Youth with Disabilities in Sierra Leone Programme run by the African Youth with Disability Network (AYWDN) Sierra Leone funded by Open Society Foundation in West Africa.
The illustrations and design needed to clear and eye-catching. Use was made of supplied photographs to base illustrations on.